Canada A Multicultural Analysis

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Pages: 5

Canada is a socially renown nation, known for our strength in cultural diversity and love of nation building. Canada stands out as a place where multiculturalism has been successful in comparison to other countries. Canada has recognized sociological issues such as immigration and equality. Equality rights and immigration laws have contributed the well-being of Canada’s goal of becoming a multiculturalist society. The rising popularity of multiculturalism has taken place in several countries. However, Canada was the first to implement the process, which created a trend for other societies. The nations central objective is becoming one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Canada strives to preserve cultural diversity and equality …show more content…
As a cultural pluralistic society, Canada encourages a variety of traditional cultural practices and cultural diversity among races. Matsinhe (2009), studied dance floor culture, visualizing the multicultural transformation of the Western Society. During his participant observation he revealed that people engaged in characteristics and activities they may not have otherwise contemplated. He pronounced that the languages and cultures in the Canadian atmosphere act as a “threshold of emotional refreshment” (Matsinhe, 2009, p. 118). The societal development and introduction of different cultural genres of music and dance plays an prominent position in the establishment of new customaries. By incorporating different cultural practices with freedom of conscience, the variety is recognized as an important preservation of Canada’s …show more content…
Our nation has fully emerged in to a multicultural country by recognizing and encouraging the heritage of racial and ethnic origins. Black history month is a clear example of how Canada expresses its gratitude for that of other races and cultures. Multiculturalism has failed in other places because it was simply never tried. In Canada, the welcoming of future citizens and immigrants is not simply recognized solely for temporary labour. As seen with using other countries as examples, multiculturalism acts as a solution for Canada, not a problem. Domestic and Global markets have a high demand for change in Canada’s cultural policies, technology is primarily driven by opportunities and challenges for cultural industries. Multiculturalism is a fundamental factor motivating Canada's success at citizenship integration and Canada’s central objective as a