Cancel Culture Research Paper

Words: 1843
Pages: 8

Influencers And Celebrities VS Cancel Culture Outline Cancel culture has become a continuing problem amongst our society. Overall, 61% of U.S. adults say they have heard at least a fair amount about the phrase “cancel culture,” up from 44% in September 2020. In The Crucible cancel culture is closely related. In the script, a community spreads gossip and accusations. It shows how pointing fingers and accusing others can make a situation much worse, much like cancelling culture. As culture consumes society, so did the spread of hysteria and false accusations in the Salem village. In modern society, people have chosen to blame and accuse others. One of the most popular targets is influencers and celebrities. Influencers often become targets of …show more content…
While their lives were already displayed online, it potentially became even more online for even more people to watch. Because of the amount of people staying indoors, social media had a sharp increase (about 20%) in worldwide social media usage compared to before the pandemic (Dixon, 2022). During the pandemic, influencers claimed that bullying and harassment went up significantly on their social media accounts. It pushes a narrative that people can do or say whatever they want online, with no consequences. Because it is so easy to judge someone or “cancel” them with no personal repercussions. "The harassment has gotten worse, 100 percent, since lockdowns began," Erim Kaur, a lifestyle and beauty influencer, told NBC News. People call me ugly, fat, fake. They say all sorts of horrible things about me and my family and threaten us, and you feel powerless against it, because they keep making new accounts (Aviles). Thirty years ago this would have never been a problem, but with this ongoing culture of harassment online only seems to worsen. It is not only toxic, it can very negatively affect an influencer or celebrity because once again they are people too which it seems some people …show more content…
Shane Dawson, formerly known for his conspiracy theories, posted to the YouTube platform. He often shared his personal opinions and personal life. He ended up saying some very concerning things, leading people to believe he was a pedophile. So he went from millions of views to not posting. When he finally came back on the internet, it was never the same and he was clearly not forgiven. It is important to hold certain people accountable in certain situations. Such as hard evidence of someone being a pedophile, that should not be ignored. But to go as far as to harass influencers and celebrities over a personal opinion is excessive. It is notable that some people online love to have a hero complex, so instead of waiting for facts or evidence, they jump onto a cancellation for whatever reason. Maybe that being a hero complex or just enjoying drama, although there is a point in which it is not just drama and it is someone's actual life being affected. It is argued that cancelling culture is completely justified. Some people online will argue that cancelling culture is a powerful tool for holding celebrities and influencers