Most importantly the war that is currently being fought against this drug is a futile effort. After 70 years of trying to restrict this drug, the use of the drug is as common as ever, if not more. The selling of the drug is as common as ever, if not more. The illegal growing of the drug is as common as ever, if not more. Clearly this is a fight that cannot be won; it is simply using up millions and millions of the everyday person’s money. The prohibition of this drug has achieved two things. Firstly, the creation of a system whereby people hide their use of cannabis and their guilt for doing so, this guilt actually leads to chaotic consumption of the drug, called a ‘binge culture’, which is more dangerous. And secondly, it has created a group of rich gangsters who will kill to protect their turf. Other problems with prohibition include the difficulty for those psychologically addicted to seek help and difficulty in communicating the dangers to