Caractacus: A Short Story

Words: 1142
Pages: 5

After being with him for nearly a year, Nevada started to more than like Caractacus. He loved him and it was so hard for him to even utter the words. Even saying te quiero was difficult or dare he even say it - te amo. No matter what language it was in, Nevada found it difficult to admit his affections. He never wanted to be with someone more or to protect them so much. He knew that Caractacus knew he felt that way and yet he felt guilty for not saying the actual words (when Caractacus has on multiple occasions). It was impossible. Nevada was never that type of person.
In the beginning of their relationship, Nevada viewed Caractacus as a sexual conquest. The goal was to turn this very vanilla man into a horny slut of sorts and then leave him.
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“Nevada?” He plays with his hands nervously.
Nevada bites his lip, “Mira. Will you marry me?” Now his heart felt like it was in his throat. Or maybe he was having a heart attack. He couldn’t tell. He hated how vulnerable he felt right now.
Caractacus stands up and walks toward Nevada. Usually, for Nevada, he was so easy to read but not this time. He wasn't smiling. “Coño, did I fuck up?” he thinks to himself. “Potts?” His voice shakes a little. His mind started to race, “What's taking so long? Just say yes or no.”
Caractacus kneels down and finally there was that smile Nevada looked for. But why was he kneeling? This confused Nevada until Caractacus caresses his face and kisses him, “Yes!”
Relief settles in Nevada's body as Caractacus continued, “I've been wondering when you would ask.”
Nevada places the ring on his finger, “You knew, mi amor?” He wondered if Caractacus had spied on him or maybe one of his guards accidentally slipped and told.
“Had a feeling,” he stands up and helps Nevada up. “If you didn't ask soon, I was.” He kisses him again. “Wait one second.” Caractacus goes to one of his huge toolboxes and opens a few drawers. “I know it's here
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Here it is!” Caractacus returns. “Give me your hand please.”
“Ok?” Nevada lifts up his right hand.
“Your left one,” he chuckles as Nevada gives him his other hand. “Remember when I didn't allow you in the house for a few hours?”
“This is why,” Caractacus slips a ring onto Nevada's ring finger.
“You made this?” Nevada takes a closer look at it. “Was this a coin?”
“Indeed,” he smiles with pride.
“¡Qué maravilloso! You never cease to amaze me, Potts.” Nevada holds him close.
“Glad you like it. My first time making something like that,” Caractacus takes his left hand and kisses his ring finger.
“I would've never guessed.”
“Thank you,” he kisses him tenderly.
“I... I love you.” Nevada couldn't believe he said the actual words.
The biggest smile crept on Caractacus' face hearing that. He throws his arms around Nevada and squeezes him tight. “I love you too!” He lets go of Nevada, takes his goggles off of his head and places them on his workbench. “This can wait. I'll clean everything up here and get changed. We have much celebrating to do.”
Nevada nods, watching him quickly organise the room as best as he can.
Caractacus turns around and grabs Nevada by the hand. “We'll start this celebration off with a bit of fun in the shower and we'll go from