Carbon Tax in Australia 2010 Essay

Submitted By ksksks1
Words: 449
Pages: 2

carbon tax
Subject Code: - LB5214
Subject Name: - Current Business Issues
Report: - Carbon Taxes
Coordinator: - Dr IAN
Submitted by: - Kamlesh Tolani
Due Date: - 8th Week
I have read the plagiarism section of the course profile and agree that this work is my own and that any work or collaboration with other students is acknowledged. I have also acknowledged all other sources used in assignment.

Table of Contents Page Number

Title -------------------------------------------------------1
Table of Content ---------------------------------------2
What is carbon tax? -----------------------------------3
Why it was introduced? ------------------------------
Who is practicing it? -----------------------------------
The need of carbon tax -------------------------------
Effect of carbon tax ------------------------------------
S.W.O.T Analysis ----------------------------------------
Conclusion ------------------------------------------------
Reference list --------------------------------------------

Carbon Tax
The carbon tax is defined as the tax based on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).This is created by burning fuels and emitted GHG, sending a price signal that will, over time, elicits a powerful market response across the economy for reduced emission . In addition the advantage of providing an income and not favoring any one way to reduce emissions over another. By reducing fuel consumption and increasing fuel efficiency and using cleaner fuels and adopting new technology the business and individuals can reduce the amount they pay in carbon tax. The price of carbon tax is defined by the government and political legal structure. The producing of greenhouse gas emissions are free to produce as much as they like to use it although, they must pay the tax for there quantity they use .This