achieve succeed in doing something attributes qualities or features challenge question deny refuse to admit dimension an aspect, one part of a situation intensity strength motivate encourage perceive think of something in a particular way prior before or earlier rejection refusal to accept vision an idea or mental vision accuracy exactness or correctness alter change or make different consistent occurring in the same way from one time to the next demonstrate show clearly derive obtain from; come from emerge appear or become apparent by coming out of something or by coming out from behind something be exposed not covered or protected from contact or experience mental concerning the mind or thinking participant a person who takes part in a particular activity stability a state where something is firmly fixed and not easily moved, changed, or upset trigger to cause something to start perspective a particular way of thinking about something that depends on one’s experience and beliefs
Word families emotional threaten achieve political stability active eager willing regular participant realistic optimistic realize a shared vision cope with fear of overwhelming feeling of rejection accept a serious face a overcome a challenge radically significantly permanently fundamentally alter inadvertently needlessly publicly cruelly expose clearly vividly convincingly conclusively demonstrate
Our self ________ (perceive) determines the way we see ourselves.