Career Cluster Research Paper

Words: 1187
Pages: 5


This paper is going to be about my career cluster I got and the one career In it that I thought I would share with you today. I will be explaining the pros and cons to this career and some of the wages you will make. Now, this isn’t necessarily the career I want to pursue because…. you will see in a few minutes. But, I hope I can accomplish my goal of at least telling you more information about this career and maybe you would want to pursue this career someday, who knows?!?!


I took two different surveys for this project, the basic skills survey and the career cluster survey. First, im going to tell you about my results in the career cluster survey. In this survey, I got education and training, and video technology, but the one over all of that is hospitality and tourism. Hospitality and tourism careers, for example, are nightclub owner, juice bar operator, candy maker, personal chef, and even a laser tag center owner. The hospitality and tourism is the one cluster I got on both the career cluster test and the paper pencil test. I think it really showed me what i was like and a lot of my traits as well.
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It showed my lowest skill areas and my highest skill area. I got a three in reading comprehension, active listening, writing, critical thinking and monitoring. The categories I got a two on are speaking, mathematics and learning strategies. I got a one on science and active learning. I agree with the results of this survey because It really hits on what I feel like I do good and bad In. Now, Im going to show you the career I picked for