Try to avoid a second blow from a concussion due to the repercussions. The author of “Caring for Concussions” states, “The brain is more vulnerable to a second blow after a concussion. That’s because a concussion can damage nerve cells in the brain. It can also cause the blood vessels that feed the brain to become leaky.” This evidence shows the repercussions of getting hit a second time after a concussion. Thus, a person should see a doctor to determine any damage a person might have from a concussion, like bleeding in the brain. A doctor can tell if a person is suffering from a concussion. In Caring for Concussions, the author states”Most people with a suspected concussion don’t need additional tests. Alternatively, those with more serious concussions may have bleeding or other damage to the brain. This evidence shows why a person should see a doctor because of the symptoms a person may have. On the other hand, most people with a suspected concussion don’t need additional