Case Study: Healthcare In Flux

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Pages: 5

Healthcare in Flux Michael Espindola Having the unique experience of learning the challenging field of Healthcare Administration from the outside in, has given me the insight to the several challenges healthcare administrators have to deal with on a daily basis. These challenges can range from office staffing to government compliance. A healthcare professional needs to be able to effectively negotiate the turbulent and ever-changing waters of Healthcare Administration. Healthcare is continually in a state of flux as it struggles to remain viable amidst the changing laws and policies that are imposed upon it by the predatory nature of political players. There are two aspects of healthcare administration that come immediately to mind. The first challenge that has afforded me the greatest learning opportunity and growth has been under the macro of dealing with The Center for Medical and Medicaid Services (CMS). The second challenge is managing a medical office administration under the private practice model. These two aspects seem to revolve around each other in a symbiotic dance not unlike the Earth and Moon. One requires the other in order to successfully and effectively benefit our clients and ultimately the patients that seek and entrust us with the most precious thing they have; their health. …show more content…
This documentation is required in order to satisfy government regulated Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) requirements for transparency within the financial industry. One of the analogs to SOX in the healthcare field is the CMS framework attestation; with its own set of audits and controls which must be adhered to in order to comply with comply with Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR)