She recalls back when she was in fifth grade, a lady came to her classroom to speak about child sexual abuse and what was considered appropriate and inappropriate touches. She remembers after the lady finished speaking, she went up to her teacher and told her she had something she wanted to tell her but was too embarrassed to tell her face to face but she would write it in her journal. The next day, when it came time to write about it in her journal, she had lost the courage to tell her secret. The teacher never asked her what she wanted to talk about, even though it was obvious it had something to do with the lesson they had been taught the day before about sexual abuse. Maybe if the teacher would have been more involved the sexual abuse wouldn’t have continued for another 5 years. Nicole finally told her mother about the abuse and her mother reported the abusive and has been very supportive. Nicole is now a sexual abuse awareness speaker that goes to different schools and churches to tell her story and encourage children to tell someone if they are being