Case Study Sergeant Major Fish

Words: 1147
Pages: 5

I have decided that I will be focusing on the fish species and their interaction with one another as well as information about what they feed on, in which area of the coral reef do they occupy and the competition between the two fish species.
The two fish that I have decided to observe is the Flagtail fish and the Sergeant major fish.
Will the fact that these two fish species live in the same habitat effect the amount of food available? Is there an efficient amount of alge and small crustaceans to satisfy both fish species? Is there evidence of resource partitioning? What is the population size of the fish species? What is the population size of the alge and small crustaceans? If the alge and small crustaceans unexpectedly disappeared,
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Markers- these are to mark which areas are A, B and C
8. Measuring tape

1. I will need to locate a rock pool that will accommodate all my needs, preferable a habitat in which my two fish species interact with each other.

2. I will then either use the census method or I will use the simple sampling technique to calculate the population size of the two fish species (The Flagtail and The Sergeant major fish). I will use the surface area method to calculate the population size of the alge that is available in the habitat. I will carry this out by using a hula-hoop for the simple sampling method or I will use my camera for the census method.
The formula for the Simple Sampling method:
Total number of plants in population= number of animals in sample x habitat size sample size
The formula for perimeter for the alge:
Square: 4s
Rectangle: 2l+2b
The formula for volume of habitat:
Rectangle: V=LxBxH

3. I will select and area A, B and C.

4. I will then with each area do the population size calculations by using the formulas provided. I will do these calculations on a piece of paper and this will be my rough and when I return back to the camp will I then do my final