Essay about CaseStudy 1

Submitted By Taylour-Troudt
Words: 1085
Pages: 5

Taylour Troudt
Case Study #1
Split My Brain: A Case Study of Seizure Disorder and Brain Function

Jerrod Hamilton 7 year old boy. Child of Karen and Jeff. Usually a fairly normally active child. Was playing with his father when he started experiencing twitching in his right arm and was disoriented for a few seconds. After, Jerrod was less talkative than normal. Later on he experienced a couple more episodes and had the same symptoms (arm twitching and weakness). Symptoms include arm twitching and weakness. Along with blankly stared, back and forth head moving, was unresponsive for a few minutes and had no memory of the episodes. The doctor ordered two test an EEG and MRI, as well as suggested keeping a journal of Jerrod and all his symptoms and anything else.
1. There is electrical activity in the brain because in our brain we have a lot of cells called neurons. Neurons act as on and off buttons for the brain. When the neurons are on they are active. A neuron has a body and a tail. It shoots electrical impulses into the body of a neuron and down the tail. Each neuron sends the impulse triggering the next neuron to turn on and the effect domino effect through the brain.
2. During a seizure the neurons do not normally shoot electoral impulses. Instead all the neurons burst the electoral impulses at once during the seizure. It last a few seconds to minutes and once the seizure has taking its course the brain and body will return back to normal.
3. Epilepsy is one of the most common disorders to the brain and can happen to anyone at any age. There is no difference between epilepsy and seizure disorder. Epilepsy is unpredictable and are different from each person. There are many types and many symptoms. The most common are either partial or generalized. Partial seizures are when one part of the brain is effected, and can be either; simple partial and complex partial. Generalized effect both halves of the brain, and can be generalized tonic-conic, absence, myoclonic, tonic and atonic.
a. A Generalized tonic-conic or also known as Grand-Mal, in these you are rigid and at times can fall down. Muscles in the body twitch between periods along with spasm, relaxing and then jerking motion. Some patients are known to bite their tongue. With increased breathing and possible urinate or poop unwillingly.
b. In an Atonic seizure or known as a drop attack, and you lose control over your own muscles.
c. In a myoclonic seizure, is when your arms and les jerk suddenly. These tend to happen after waking up.
d. The last type of generalized is absence seizure this is when your awake state of mind is interrupted, there are no other signs. Some patients expirenced flutering of eyelids. Another name for this types is Petit mal and are commonly in children rather than adults.
Partial seizures happen in a particular part of the brain. Usually depending on the part of the brain that is effected will result in which function is effected.
a. A simple partial seizure, either arm or leg will start to twitch. Some will have an unusual tastes or sensation like a tangling feeling or TV snow feeling.
b. A complex partial seizure is when your awake state is effected. The patients can go into a blank stare or stair off into space. Some patients are known to fiddle or wander, with overall confusion. This seizure can last anywhere from 2-4 minutes. The brain effected is usually the temporal lobes but can be the front or top parts of the brain.
c. Any type of these seizures can spread and effect the entire brain. If, so then the seizure is called a secondary generalized seizure. 4. It is diagnosed by a doctor. There are