When getting prepared for a hurricane of this power, consequently, it is best to have an extra supply of water and a generator. According to “How to be prepared for a hurricane.” By Dani Deahl, “Fill your sinks and bathtubs with water so you have an extra supply handy”. “ Purchase a portable generator or install a generator”. (19). If you do purchase a generator use it very far away from your doors and windows.
Initially, it is handy to know what is going on outside, especially if the power went out. Ordinarily, a radio that could be powered by batteries would be very useful in a hurricane. According to “How to be prepared for a hurricane.” By Dani Deahl, “Have a television or a battery-operated radio to make sure you are getting updates on the hurricane”. (20). The safest place to be while getting news updates is a room with no windows.
To conclude, those are some ways to be prepared for a category 5 hurricane. Moreover, hurricanes of that power can cause a lot of damage to people's homes, jobs, buildings, etc. A hurricane like hurricane Irma can cause people to die. Hopefully people understand how to be prepared for hurricanes from now