Cell fraction E2 (P2) was made from a suspended pellet centrifuged at 2000 x g for five minutes. Cell fraction E3 (P3) was created from a suspend pellet formed from the supernatant of the E2 (P2) cell fraction centrifuged at 21,000 x g for fifteen minutes. Cell fraction E4 (S3) was made form the supernatant of cell fraction E3 (P3). The control, E1 (none) contains no cell fraction. Figure 2 for Project 1: Wet lab 1 – Microscopy & Cell Fractionation, shows that the cell fraction created from the highspeed centrifugation contains mitochondria(intext citation). Therefore, I hypothesize that the cell fraction containing the greatest number of mitochondria will be Cell Fraction E3 (P3). Since the oxidized form of DCIP is blue and the reduced form is colorless the hypothesis can be proven by measuring the change in absorbance at 600nm, and thus the greatest SDH