Seeming as though the government itself leaned toward the southern ideals and that slavery was protected by the constitution. Pushing the idea that the north would have to fight for beliefs in order to get a fair system or one that wasn’t already influenced greatly by slavery. All three of these cause revolve around one factor slavery and political stances. Either you were proslavery or an abolitionist, you stood with the republican party or you didn’t it was simple and plain. When asked if the civil war was inevitable or not the answer would be no. There is a chance that maybe new ideals could have postpones the war or changes in laws and rulings as in the Dred Scott case would have postponed the war though it could never be completely avoided. In the end one side is going to have to hold on to the power and their ways will have to be adapted by everyone two contrasting ideals cannot work in harmony together. Eventually there would have been a civil war whether the outcome would have been different we may never be able to know but it was an inevitable