Cause Of Homelessness In America

Words: 521
Pages: 3

Homelessness in America. What are the causes?
Over 3.5 million people are homeless each year (“Top Causes of Homelessness”), but why is this happening? One of these reasons, mostly among women, is domestic violence. Another reason people having an insufficient income to support themselves and sometimes a family. A final reason that causes homeless is substance use. But these are only three of the many reasons.
One of the major causes of homelessness for women is domestic violence. A “study in Massachusetts found that 92 percent of homeless women had experienced severe physical or sexual assault at some point in their lives.” (“Domestic Violence”) That study also found that “63 percent had been victims of violence by an intimate partner, and 32 percent had been assaulted by their current or most recent partner.” (“Domestic Violence”). Another study found that “In a 2014 survey of 25 US cities, 15% of all homeless adults were identified as survivors of domestic violence.” These studies show the correlation of domestic violence to homelessness for women.
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“In 2012, 10.3 million renters (approximately one in four) had ‘extremely low incomes.’” It was also noted that In that same year, there were only 5.8 million rental units affordable to the more than 10 million people identified as ELI.” (“Homelessness in America”) This means there were enough homes for only 60% of the people needing them. Additionally, “after paying their rent and utilities, 75% of ELI households end up with less than half of their income left to pay for necessities such as food, medicine, transportation, or childcare.” (“Homelessness in