Causes Of Income Inequality Across The United States

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Pages: 3

Essay 5 Income inequality can be seen across the United States. Some families struggle to put food on the table, while others have more money than they know what to do with. There are many factors that contribute to the income gap, but there are a few key causes. As technology has become more advanced, manufacturers have outsourced unskilled labor to other countries such as China. Cheap labor means lower prices for producers and consumers (Amadeo). The problem with outsourcing is that there are no jobs available for unskilled Americans. Today, most decent paying jobs require a college degree. Lower and middle class families often have a hard time paying for college, which means that they become poorer while the rich families become richer. …show more content…
Poor families are often living in crime ridden neighborhoods. These areas often have broken public school systems, and kids may lack a positive role model at home. Kids may think that college is never an option for them, and they continue in the footsteps of their impoverished parents (Geewax). Poverty is a vicious cycle, and without the right opportunities in school, it is nearly impossible to get out of the cycle. Another cause of income inequality is the fact that once you are rich, it is easy to become richer. Most families who are well off financially invest in stocks, real estate, and business ventures (Smith). With the right investments, people can gain massive returns on their investments. The lower and middle class don’t have extra money laying around to invest. They are more concerned with their day to day expenses like food and bills. Unfortunately, this creates a larger income