Civil war
1861-1865 (3 years) The war to end slavery Long Term Causes: Slavery was becoming a huge issue. Several compromises had been made but now compromises would not work. North wanted no slavery, south wanted slavery. The south breaks off from the Union Immediate Cause: Abraham Lincon elected, outh succeeds, Ft. Sumter. Major Battles: Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Sherman's March to the Sea, Battle at Gettysburg, Picket's Charge. Turning point: Battle of Antietam Treaty: No treaty just the surrender of the Confederate army at Appomattox.
Desert storm
Military operations that started on January 16, 1991, with a bombing campaign, followed by a ground invasion of February 23 and 24, 1991. The ground war lasted 100 hours and resulted in a spectacularly one-sided military victory for the Coalition.
French and Indian war
1756-1763 Mostly Britain and France and Spain have at it with each other to see who would have rights to colonization in America. Most fighting done in Europe. Colonists became accustomed to fighting on their own. Most enough red coat to send over to NA to protect colonies. Long term Causes: Immediate Cause (spark): Fight over the Ohio Major Battles: Turning Point: Battle of Quebec River Valley (George Washington) Treaty: Treaty of Paris 1763 France kicked out of new world had bitterness and resentment against Britain Great Britain had huge war debt. Looked to colonies to pay it off. Creation of new taxes.
Mexican American War
(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. Ended with Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago
Spanish American War
Shortest war; Consisted of the conflict between Spain and the United States over control of Cuba and the Philippines
The Great Depression
The Iranian Hostage Crisis
The Korean War
The Missouri Compromise
The Tariff of Abominations
A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States
War of 1812
A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Also, a war against Britain gave the U.S. an excuse to seize the