This will end up affecting the supply and demand of these shark fins. So, why does shark finning occur? While fins are very valuable, shark meat has limited commercial value, providing a strong incentive for shark finning (demand). The major source of demand for shark fins is the market for shark fin soup. In some Asian cultures this is a prestigious commodity, and a tradition to honor special guests or occasions. Once processed, fibers from fins are used to give the soup a glutinous consistency. The fins are tasteless, so pork or chicken is used for flavor. In the last decade, increased average wealth in the Far East and efficient modern fishing methods have resulted in a massive increase in demand for and supply of fins. However, very recently the demand has gone down due to the protection of the species and awareness of the damage being caused along with health factors. Some studies have shown shark fins to be unhealthy or “passé”. Sharks and shark fins are naturally occurring good on the earth which means they are a