Ccrea Scholarship Research Paper

Words: 541
Pages: 3

CCREA Scholarship - Why have you chosen an education profession?

I have chosen an education profession because I am passionate about making an impact in students' lives. Last year I applied for this scholarship and was fortunate enough to be selected to receive it. In my previous application, I stated that the idea of being a history teacher seemed like it would be a great fit for me. I am passionate about helping others and enjoy teaching about things I am interested in, such as history. Since then, I have proven to myself that this was the right choice. This past semester I took a class specifically for history education students. This class was my first look at lesson planning and classroom management. We created compelling questions based
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This familiarity helped me because it enabled me to more easily ask questions and utilize other teachers as resources. Since I began subbing, I have made connections with kids, learned how to address a class, and guided students when they get off task. I have enjoyed my time teaching at Lyman Moore Middle School, which has helped me validate my passion for choosing a degree in education. I was even given a handwritten note signed by many teachers and students thanking me for working with them for the past few months. I was awarded this scholarship last year, which was a tremendous help given the rising cost at my school. Last year I was unable to make it to your scholarship award ceremony and my father went to my place. When talking with him afterward, he said great things about the other recipient as well as your organization. He told me some of your stories and even told me about your 100-year-old member who is still involved with educators. My dad even told me about her teaching at Deering High School and remembering how beautiful the lilacs were. This made me feel so grateful that retired teachers like myself want to help students like me begin my journey to be an