Central Nervous System

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Pages: 3

The neuroanatomical structures
Neuroanatomical structures refer to organs that comprise the body nervous system. It is responsible for controlling the body and communications among its parts. The organ is further divided into two major divisions; central nervous system (CNS) as one section and the other one which is the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The peripheral nervous system has sensory and motor neurons that receive impulses from the rest of the body and its surrounding environments and links it to the central nervous system for integration, and response (Mendoza & Foundas, 2008).
Central nervous system
The organ is divided to two primary organs namely the brain and spinal cord. The brain is contained within a hard, bony skull in which
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The cerebrum is the main component of in the forebrain, it plays the role of controlling, voluntary actions, memory, speech, thinking, and senses such as feeling, sight, and hearing. Hypothalamus; it is located below the thalamus and on the upper side of the pituitary gland. It plays the role in regulating behaviors such as thirst, hunger, sexual behavior and sleep, it controls the blood pressure, body temperature, emotions, and hormone secretion. Thalamus is located between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain, it plays role in transferring and correlating body processes such as consciousness, sensory relay, and …show more content…
Midbrain is associated with motor control, hearing, sleep and wake cycles, temperature regulations, and alertness.
It is placed at the back of the head or brain and acts as a connecter between the spinal cord and the brain. It is further subdivided to, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum. Together these parts are responsible for controlling involuntary body systems.
it is located at the back of the brain, information is transmitted from the sensory organs and spinal cord to the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for voluntary actions such as posture, the body balance, and speech, and controls all motor movements which enhances consistency in movements and impartial muscular activities.
Medulla oblongata
It is located in the lower part of the brain stream and anterior to cerebellum.it helps in transferring of signals from the spinal cord to various part of the brain such as the thalamus. It is responsible for controlling, respiration and circulation processes, regulates breathing, heart and blood vessel functions, sneezing, swallowing and digestion process. The peripheral nervous