Managing IT Projects/ ITM8X05
Individual assignment 2016
Managing IT Projects/ ITM8X05
Suhail Bhana/201329489 Suhail Bhana/201329489
Table of Contents Question 1 2 Step 1: Identify the Facts 2 Step 2: Key Issue Identification 3 Step 3: Alternative Courses of Action 3 Step 4: Evaluate Alternatives 3 Step 5: Select Best Solution 4 Question 2 4 Initial Contract 4 Contract Re-Opening Evaluation 5 Conclusion 5 Question 3 6 Roles and Responsibilities 6 Type of Structure 7 Accountability 7 Project Ownership 7 Controls, Measurement and Monitoring 7 Business Strategy Alignment 8 Independent Scrutiny of Projects 8 Conclusion 8 Question 4 9 References 10 …show more content…
* In June 2003, a meeting took place to discuss the project issues which was headed by Gerald Weinberg, the CEO of NAFC.
Step 2: Key Issue Identification * CeresOpt chose to take the contract despite not having any prior experience in relation to MLM systems. This was a huge project and the onus was on the NAFC management to choose an appropriate contractor which makes this a management issue. * The Blixton system lacked documentation which was a major issue which led to unforeseen errors later which chain reacted leading to schedule delays. This is a technological issue as previous developers at Blixton failed to document their development. * 12 Months was allocated to the project which was not met as a variety of factors such as system architecture, documentation, maintenance, etc. was not taken into consideration leading to schedule revisions. This is an organisational problem as not all factors were taken into account. * The project organisational structure was very hierarchical and required more transparency as a key problem identified as CeresOpt had their own team leader. This is an organisational problem as the project organisation was not suited for this project. * Weak communication was highlighted as a key issue as the number of small teams led to thousands of subprojects. This is an organisational problem as there was no formal method of communication due to the project