Chaco Canyon Research Paper

Words: 1294
Pages: 6

The Ancestral Pueblo Civilization of Chaco Canyon Chaco Canyon was a hub for the ancestral Pueblo peoples with many communities and a rich culture that they shared. From the first permanent settlement in 900 B.C.E. to the final remains in 1400 C.E., Chaco Canyon has been a prime demonstration of advancement. The canyon is located in northeast New Mexico, about a 3 hour drive from Albuquerque, and not very accessible on foot due to the rocky terrain. The people of Chaco Canyon are known as ancestral Pueblos. For centuries, the ancestral Pueblo people inhabited the land around the 4 corners where the states Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet, and then eventually dispersed out to other areas. Chaco Canyon was home to a plethora of architecturally …show more content…
The roads also influenced trade, “...interconnected by an extensive network of stone roads.” The ancestral Pueblos had an influx of skilled crafts, pointing towards a more successful way of living. The roads didn’t just affect the inter-community trade, but trade from all over, “Trade was an important enterprise in Chaco Canyon. Shells, copper bells, and macaw skeletons have been found, indicating that the trade goods came from long distances.” Trade in the Chaco Canyon was made possible by the elaborate road system. The community of Chaco Canyon, specifically Pueblo Bonito, was a successful civilization that flourished. The evolution of architecture that developed over time shows the effect of careful planning and well thought out design. Similarly, the great kivas found in the ancestral Pueblo people’s communities evinces the organized communication with their loved ones. As well as this, the trade amongst the web of roads solidifies Chaco Canyon as an established cultural center. Chaco Canyon evolved over time, starting out as a stop for nomads, and then as a civilization bustling with thoughtfully fabricated buildings, respect for the dead, and trade routes connecting the