A perfect example of how modernization can corrupt character is shown in Edwin Chadwick’s “inquiry into the conditions of the poor”.Chadwick goes into detail on the awful work conditions lower level laborers have to deal with in there everyday working environment.He uses several inquiries of evidence from one class of laborers , the journeymen tailors to support his claim that” the unsafe and unhealthy conditions of Britain's working poor are causing many deaths”.With not so serious statements from workers who have been in these conditions like “the irons made the room 20 or 30 degrees higher” or “(the state of the work place)had a very depressing effect on the energies”.To more serious statements from the same workers like “in one house there was 16 bedsteads in the room upstairs, and 50 occupied these beds at the same time.” or “there were pools of water 12 inches deep” The increase of seriousness plays a very important part in this reading.This reading aimed towards the British government shows how these poor workers work significantly hard and are rewarded very little for there efforts.For example if i was a member of the british government i would look at this and gradually feel a need for reform myself.These workers mention these conditions when asked like it's no big deal when it infact is.The fact that these people had to be asked before they mentioned 12 inches of water on the floors of their homes or sleeping with 50 other people on 16 beds shows how desperately they need these jobs to survive and how they need help.The Gap between the wealthy and the poor is a problem created from greed.These examples clearly show what greed and wanting to obtain wealth can do.It is extremely unfair that some peoples’ wealth is made from the backs of others or that people have ever been put under bad work conditions in the first place because these people are createing wealth for others and they should be thanked not treated like crap and used a