Chapter 6 The Sketetal System Terminology Essay

Submitted By Jamie-Cothran-Parmer
Words: 701
Pages: 3

Chapter 6 The Sketetal System Terminology

1. Hypocalcemia—low blood calcium
2. Kyphosis—abnormal outward curvature of a portion of the spine, also known as humpback or hunchback
3. Lordosis—abnormal inward curvature of a potion of the spine, also known as swayback
4. Scoliosis—abnormal lateral (sideward) curvature of a portion of the spine. The curvature may be to the left or to the right.
5. Radial—pertaining to the radius
6. Sulcus—a groove or depression in a bone; a fissure.
7. Osteoporosis—porous bones; bones that were once strong become fragile due to loss of bone density.
8. Osteomalacia—diseases in which bones become abnormally soft due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. The disease results in fractures and noticeable deformities of the weight bearing bones. When the disease occurs in children, its called rickets.
9. Articular cartilage—thin layer of cartilage that covers the ends of the long bones and the surfaces of the joints.
10. False ribs- rib pairs 8-10, which connect to the vertebrae in the back, but not to the sternum in the front because they join the 7th rib in front.
11. Floating ribs—rib pairs 11 and 12, which connect to the vertebrae in the back but are free of any attachment in the front.
12. Sutures—immoveable joints, such as those of the cranium.
13. True ribs—the first 7 pairs of ribs, which connect to the vertebrae in the back and to the sternum in the front.
14. Idiopathic—without a known cause
15. Pathological—pertaining to a condition that is caused by or involves a disease process.
16. Congenital—present at birth, as a congenital anomaly or defect.
17. Fracture—a fracture is a broken bone; a sudden breaking of a bone.
Word elements
-blast, blast/o—embryonic stage of development
Calc/o, calc/i—calcium
Calcane/o—heel bone
-clast,-clastic—to break
Crani/o—skull, cranium
Gen/o—to produce
Kyph/o—humpback; pertaining to a hump
Lord/o—swayback, bent
Mastoid/o—mastoid process
Maxill/o—upper jaw
Metacarp/o—hand bones
Metatars/o—foot bones
Myel/o—spinal cord or bone marrow
Patell/o, patell/a—kneecap
Phalang/o—fingers, toes
-physis—growth, growing
-porosis—porous; lessening in density
Rach/i—spinal column
Radi/o—radiation; also refers to radius
Scapula/o—shoulder blade
Scoli/o—crooked, bent
Tars/o—ankle bones
1. Closed fracture—simple fracture. There is a break in the bone but