To stand out as the Rose in a pressing time is a test of character. John Proctor withstands punishment and pressure to admit to witchcraft . The ability to uphold his values and stay true to his character demonstrates the principles taught by Emerson when he writes, “There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his …show more content…
Emerson spoke to this time of great confusion, stress, and pressure because, “It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what your duty better than you know it”. Peer pressure and the pressure to confess to witchcraft engulfs John Proctor. Proctor does not cripple to the wave of outside voices rather he demonstrates true courage and stands up to say, "You will not use me! I am not Sarah Good or Tituba, I am John Proctor! You will not use me! It is no part of salvation that you should use me!". John Proctor stood proud as a Rose when everyone was a daisey, he stayed true to his character and moral principles despite everyone in Salem telling him otherwise. Proctor knew his duty to speak the truth and stand up for what is right even though it was not the popular thing to