Charecters In To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 542
Pages: 3

Character Analysis: Scout Finch Abby Wiker Harper Lee’s classic novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” has several fascinating charecters like Atticus Finch, Jem Finch, Tom Robinson, Scout Finch, Calpurnia, and Aunt Alexandria. The setting is very important to how the characters interact with each other and the environment. The time and place is down in Southern America in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression and while Jim Crow laws were in place in Alabama. Lee writes in dialects, so her characters sound more realistic. The setting has a great impact on all charecters but this essay will focus more on Scout Finch. This charecter shows three charecteristics throught the story like Maturity, Outspoken, and Tomboy.
The first characteristic scout