Chem Final Review
Intro to chemistry
○ Dimensional analysis (5)
○ Measurements (3)
○ Accuracy and Precision (4)
Matter and energy
○ Matter (2)
○ Nuclear Reactions (41)
■ Stability
■ Radiation
■ Alpha
■ Beta
■ Gamma
○ Fission and Fusion (42)
■ Nuclear bombardment
■ Fission
■ Energy and “missing” Mass
■ Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy
■ Einstein’s Famous Equation (E=mc
■ Nuclear Chain Reactions
■ Fusion
○ Applications of Nuclear Chemistry (43)
■ Radioisotope n
■ Halflife (A n=t / t t=A
■ Biological Effects of Radiation
Atomic structure
○ Theory (6)
○ Atoms (7)
○ Mass, moles, molar mass (11)
Periodic properties
○ Reading the period (8)
○ Nomenclature (10)
○ The Periodic Table (44)
■ J.W. Dobrenheiner
■ J.A.R Newlands
■ Law of Octaves
■ The First Periodic Table
■ Mendeleev and Meyer
■ Periodic Law
Bohr Model (45)
Valence Electrons and Periodic Trends (46)
■ Effective Nuclear Charge
■ Shielding
■ Isoelectronic Series and Electron Configuration
■ Isoelectronic
■ Periodic Trends
■ Atomic Radius
■ Ionic Radius
■ Ionization Energy
■ High
■ Low
■ Successive Ionization Energies
■ Electron Affinity
■ Electronegativity
Properties of different elemental groups/families (462)
■ Hydrogen
■ Group 1
■ Group 2
■ Group 13
■ Group 14
■ Group 15
■ Group 16
■ Group 17
■ Group 18
Bonding and Nomenclature (47)
■ Forming Ions
■ Metals
■ Nonmetals
■ Cation
■ Anion
■ Valence Electrons
■ Octet Rule
■ Gilbert Lewis and the Lewis Dot Structure
■ Dot Diagrams
■ Bonding Metals (48)
■ Metals and Metallic Bonding
■ Cubic Formation
■ Alloys
■ Substitutional Alloys
■ Interstitial Alloys
■ Calculations With Unit Cells (49)
■ Lattice Structures
■ Simple Cubic (1 atom)
■ FaceCentered Cubic (4 atoms)
■ BodyCentered Cubic (2 atoms)
■ Variables (M, m, Volume, d, Z, N
■ ZM / a
Covalent Bonds and Molecular Compounds (50)
■ Covalent Bonds
Molecular Compounds
■ Ionic
■ Molecular
■ Diatomic
■ Lewis Dot Diagrams
■ Lewis Structures
■ Dots
■ Lines
■ Guidelines
■ Coordinate Covalent Bonds
■ Polyatomic Ions and Charge
Covalent Bonds
■ Resonance Structures
■ Multiple ways the bind can form
■ Most Stable Structure
■ Formal charges are close to the same
■ Formal Charges
■ Lewis Structures and Formal Charges
■ HONC Rule
Bonding Theories (52)
■ Orbitals
■ Sigma Bonds
■ Pi Bonds
■ VSEPR Theories
■ Electron Domains
■ Steric Number
■ 3D Structures
■ Linear
■ Trigonal Planar (120 degrees, 4 atoms, no lone pairs)
■ Bent (120 degrees, 3 atoms, 1 set of lone pairs on central atom)
■ Tetrahedral (109.5 degrees, 5 atoms, no lone pairs)
■ Trigonal Pyramidal (109.5 degrees, 4 atoms, 1 set of lone pairs on central atom)
■ Bent (109.5 degrees, 3 atoms, 2 sets of lone pairs on central atom)
■ Trigonal Bipyramidal (120 degrees on surrounding, 90 degrees on axial atoms (2), 6 atoms total, no lone pairs)
■ SeeSaw (120 degrees between most, 90 degrees between lone pair and atom, 5 atoms, 1 lone pair on central atom)
■ TShaped (120 between most, 90 between lone pairs and others, 4 atoms, 2 lone pairs on central atom)
■ Linear (180 degrees between each side, 3 atoms, 3 lone pairs on central atom)
■ Octahedral (90 degrees all around, 7 atoms, no lone pairs)
■ Square Pyramidal (90 degrees, 6 atoms, 1 lone pair on central atom)
■ Square Planar (90 degrees, 5 atoms, 2 lone pairs on central atom)
■ Electron Domain
■ Molecular
Valence Bond Theory (53)
■ Valence Bond Theory
■ Hybridization
Electronegativity and Polarity (54)
■ Polarity
■ Dipole
■ Geometry
■ Exceptions to Octet Rule
■ More than an octet
■ Less than an octet
■ Other/Free Radicals
Bonding and chemical reactions
○ Chemical formulas (9)
○ Hydrates (12)
○ Percent Composition and Empirical