Chesapeake Bay Deforestation Research Paper

Words: 605
Pages: 3

In 1990, there were 800 million blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay. Now, there are only 300 million blue crabs, which means the Chesapeake Bay has lost 500 million blue crabs in the last 30 years. This has happened over the past years due to increased algae in the Bay from excess nutrients which come from human activity. This algae thrives due to excess nutrients and blocks sunlight, limiting food sources for many aquatic animals. Many types of human activity harm the Bay, even though it is a very important ecosystem that houses many organisms. We must make a plan and take steps to better this essential ecosystem. Chesapeake Bay's health is declining due to human activity. One type of human activity that negatively affects the Bay is deforestation. …show more content…
This deforestation removes habitats for animals in the area of removal. In the first source the author states that, "Large tracts of land were cleared for various uses, leading to loss of forests and habitat." This activity of deforestation is a detriment to the land and animals of an ecosystem. Another way that human activity is negatively harming the Bay's health is through non-point pollutants. These pollutants come from hard to find sources of human activity. A few examples of these harmful non-point pollutants include, "chemicals from the tar on roads; fertilizers and pesticides from lawns and farms; soap from people washing their cars; and trash that is thrown on the ground"( 2024 ). These items, all from human activity, send pollution towards the Chesapeake Bay and harm its