Chesapeake Bay Watershed Research Paper

Words: 552
Pages: 3

Life has power over how the world is designed; both good and bad it can alter the advancement and achievement of this planet. Many important subjects affect this celestial body; societies, technology, politics, even the economy; however the environment is the most important. It is the Earth itself and humans are its greatest adversary. The Chesapeake Bay Watershed is drastically influenced by pollution every year, this is due to the many major rivers in which collect a key amount of pollution-containing runoff that greatly degrades the bay. One of these major rivers is the Susquehanna. The Susquehanna River is very concerning to the wellbeing of the Chesapeake Bay, it is exposed to many polluters such as runoff from major cities to the vast …show more content…
It is located in northeast of the United States and is a major component of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The watershed contains an area as large as 64,000 square miles and there over one hundred and fifty rivers and streams within it that are polluted by over seventeen million people. The Susquehanna River, being so large and spread out, is the main source of pollution within the bay and its people are who to mainly blame. The headwaters of the Susquehanna start in Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, New York and flows throughout New York and into Pennsylvania, where the source of its pollution is found, within the vast quantity of farmland and the many suburbs and cities of the keystone state. Pennsylvania affects the river mainly by runoff from cities and farmland. Much of this runoff contains anything from dangerous chemicals to pesticides and fertilizers used in its fields. The people of the Pennsylvania most importantly affect the river, my family and I live within Maytown in Lancaster County and we contribute to the Chesapeake Bay. My family and I can determine the condition of bay by many factors such as the paving in our driveway, the fertilizers we used in our yard and the type