The Dakota were executed because they had been involved in an uprising along the Minnesota River that previous August. The despute was over the fertile ground that the white settlers wanted from the Dakota. They were pushing the Dakota to sell five million acres of their land. As a result, Chief Little Crow led a war against the United States. And after six weeks of …show more content…
They even put bounties on them; for every Indian scalp they obtained, they received twenty-five dollars for it. They also gave them smallpox in hopes that would eliminate their problem. And as they murdered them, many people would be seen using their skulls as wine glasses. They were called the Minnesota Militia.
In 1863, Little Crow was picking berries with his son when he was shot by a white settler. This was a big victory for the white settlers; and to celebrate their victory they did repulsive things to his body. They sliced up his body and put it on display for the world to see. Then they threw the rest of his body parts onto a pile of hog guts.
Bishop Henry Whipple, a man that was highly against the treatment of the Native Americans wanted to help the Dakota. He travelled to Washington from Minnesota to persuade Abraham Lincoln to make changes in the corrupt and brutal ways the government treated Native Americans. Abraham Lincoln agreed with him. As a result, hundreds of Dakota Indians were saved from