Child Abuse In Canada

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Pages: 4

Child abuse is a topic that is portrayed in society and also media. The protection of the rights of children from violence has been recognized in international and national laws. (Marie Sinha,2012) The youth have full access to human rights in Canada. The data on child abuse is somewhat limited to official sources due to legal and privacy rights of a person. Some children are not capable to report victimization because of their own mental stage or age. (Marrie Sinhs,2012) 1 in 8 children are abused by someone they know, wheatear it be their family members or friends. (Marrie Sinha,2012) In 2012, 55% of police reported sexual offences in Canada that involved a child or a youth victim. About 81% of child and youth victims of sexual offence are females …show more content…
Children also do see spouse abuse, which makes some children think its ok to be abused. Child abuse can effect the youth not only physically but mentally and can damage them. Abuse now in days is taken a lot more seriously but does still occur in households as it still hasn’t been put to a full stop. Child maltreatment is also a serious public that has significant social and criminal justice implications. Maltreatment can lead into physical, emotional and social harm and can then also cause long or short consequences. The 5 main types of abuses that children experience is physical, sexual, neglect and emotional harm and family violence. Canada.Dept. of Justice Canada, Child Abuse,2005 The number for both boys and girls are almost the same between the two.
The numbers are almost as equal involving boys (51%) and girls (49%).the type of