Child Development And Behavior Analysis

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Pages: 3

There are different theories related to child development. Some theories state children are born with predefined personalities other state that experiences the children have in early age defines their personality. Some say behaviour and support defines child’s personality development. They can be categorised as Physiological, sociocultural, cognitive, behaviourist, etc. Each influences different aspect of current practices.

 The physiological theory (Arnold Gesell)- this theory states that most physical skills cannot be taught but is programmed in our genetics, which means we will learn different physical skills when our body is ready to. IN schools all children are encourages to participate in physical education to develop physical skills. They are exposed to variety of sports like fool ball, gymnastics, swimming, table tennis, etc. understanding individual physical strengths and weaknesses proper gear and soft cushioned area is provided so that children can participate without risk of hurting themselves.

 The Behaviourist theory (B.F. Skinner) this theory believes that children learn through experience or conditioning. A child will learn if they are rewarded for their behaviour even if the ‘reward’ is unpleasant. Behaviour analysis is based on the way in which the child’s behaviour is affected by the environment and how we respond
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People they will observe are parents/cares/siblings/friends/etc. A child will repeat the behaviour if it is rewarded with attention or praise. Teachers settle disputes calmly and resolve disagreements without arguing, helps children understand how to handle situations with peers. Inappropriate behaviour or language is not used by parents and teachers, as children repeat/copy it. This guides the effective communication and social development in current