Child Labour Dbq Research Paper

Words: 353
Pages: 2

William Morant Trice Writing 5C 17- April- 2024 Child Labor Have you ever been mad about having to take out the trash or doing your chores? Kids in the late 1800s and early 1900s worked more than 10 times as much as you. They would do that because their families needed money. At that time, kids would have to work 10-12 hours a day. There were no child labor laws back then, but people worked hard to create them. Kids will have to work in very hazardous conditions. First, some kids would have to work barefoot on moving machines. They would do this because they had to climb up the machines, and that was hard to do with shoes on (Doc.2). Second, some kids would work on spinners and it was very easy to get a body part stuck in them (Doc.4). Another