Child Soldiers Research Paper

Words: 798
Pages: 4

Imagine this a four-year-old child is being pulled into a truck. Him as a naive young child has no idea what is happening because he is not experienced many things on his own. The child is then taken to military base. From that moment he spends the rest of his life growing up there, fighting, and killing others. Eleven years later, When the little boy is no longer little. He is released from the fore, and taken back to the real world. Do you think now that he's back in reality, he should be punished for what he did? Or protected? Child Soldiers should receive amnesty only if they joined for the main purpose of being protected, if they were forced to join, and/or depending on how they were when recruited.
Many child soldiers felt compelled to join for the purpose of being protected. According to CNN, a former child soldiers reports that “He didn't want to do any of the things he did, but if he didnt. He was scared that he would killed.” Even though the iktary authorities aren't physically forcing them to participating but mentally he felt obligated for their own safety. Also, According to
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According to a PBS NewsHour article named in ‘Uganda former Child Soldier struggle to overcome horrors of War’ it says that “Many children are often forced into the military or kidnapped to work for them.” And yes that is true. A lot of times these children don't want or choose to be a Child Soldier. They are either forced or taken out of their homes. In addition, according to the website, “a ton children who are recruited are force and don't have a choice.” That again adds on to show how some of these childrens dont have a say in being recruited. An article submitted to Newsela called ‘In a war, children without a childhood’ says how “Children are abducted, drugged, and used for sexua about + forced marriage in the force.” Not only are these kids experiencing horrible things, but it is forced upon