Childhood Obesity In Schools

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Pages: 4

Disease Control and Prevention the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled among children ages 2 to 5(5% to 12.4%) and ages 6 to 11(6.5% to 17%). In teens 12 to 19 prevalence rates have tripled(5% to 17.6%)” (“Impact” 1)3. The schools mislead students with the food education curriculum and lunches sold in school; consequently, students continue to consume unhealthy school breakfasts or lunches regularly, increasing the amount of children becoming obese. Students acquire a disadvantage when they listen to and buy school programs that stress every food that contributes to the problem, instead of emphasizing the foods that are healthier. Schools unhealthy lunches and food education curriculum promote junk food and develop an increase in childhood …show more content…
Due to the escalating consumption of sodas and other sugary drinks in schools, the prevalence of diabetes in children is increasing, and the increasing amounts of sugar exceed the daily recommendation for students. One soda exceeds the daily amount of sugar for an adolescents (Silva 1)1. Excess sugar constantly consumed by children in schools increases the risk of childhood diabetes. Childhood diabetes is not a problem students reminisce on very often; therefore, they do not regulate their sugar intake very frequently. As the amount of extra sugar consumed by students increase, the risk of premature diabetes increases. The junk food in schools increase the risk of a permanent health problem in every child consuming it. There is a wide range of health problems associated with junk food that obese and non obese students are exposed to. Studies have listed the possible health risks accommodated with junk food, and “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obese children are more likely to have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, both risk factors for cardiovascular disease”(Collins 2)4. The foods sold in schools contribute to the increase in diseases mostly found in aging adults. The amount of calories in junk foods in schools increase the prevalence of obesity in children and students, this creates a higher risk for more students to develop these diseases. Because of the poor food education system, students are not aware of the unhealthy choices they make or the consequences they face. The increasing consumption of junk food sold in schools cause harmful results that students do not realize are