Childhood Obesity Research Paper

Words: 796
Pages: 4

Epidemic of Childhood obesity
Good afternoon Professor and fellow student’’It has always been the role of government to help solve problems, including and especially health crises. Childhood Obesity is a health epidemic across our nation, and we have a responsibility as a government and a society to do all we can to promote good nutrition and healthy eating so we can reverse this alarming trend’’a quote by Richard J. Codey. My name is Shanna Kay Boyd it is my pledger to inform about childhood obesity which is a serious medical condition that affect children and adolescences. Dr. Ross Toro as done research shown that childhood obesity has triple in the past 45 years and currently 1 out of 5 children are obese because of neglectful
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Likewise, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Childhood obesity is a disorder where a child has an excessive body fat. Unfortunately, it is so sad to say that recently a doctor calling it a disorder or a disease because of the society we are living. In fact, there are so many ways to prevent a kid of becoming obese. Obesity is condition if a person weight is 20% or more above the normal weight for their age. A common cause of childhood obesity is neglectful parents that feed their child food with too much sugar, fat and carbohydrate and not encourage enough physical activity to burn off any calorie. Television and video game has taken the place of fun activities like swimming, biking, or playing outdoor sports. Unnecessary snacking while watching TV create to laziness that a person does not want to do physical activates. In addition fast food restaurants have contributed with appealing advertisement, especially with the value menu like double bacon cheese burger , big mac or even buy one get one free and all commercial link to the kids TV program like nick Jr., Disney and cartoon which garb the attention to unhealthy fast …show more content…
A research was conduct by Emory University health care economist Ken Thorpe, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD). The new data shows that if current trends continue, 43 percent of U.S. adults will be obese and obesity spending will quadruple to $344 billion by 2018. America’s Move to Raise Healthier Generation of Kids doctors and scientists are worried about the health problems that come along with being obese that can turn out to be very serious. Children that are obese are at risk for cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 70% of obese children are threat for cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes which is the most common because of poor eating diet however it is easily be reversed with exercising and healthy eating bites. Asthma can also become a factor as a child's weight can hinder their growth of the lungs. One of the common consequences of childhood obesity, it has last through a life span of adulthood. Stokes and heart attacks can also become a risk if nothing was done to inverse the obesity in childhood stages. Health problems are an enormous distress, but a superior distress comes with the psychological