Children In Two Years Research Paper

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Pages: 3

CHILDREN BETWEEN THE AGES OF ONE YEAR TO TWO YEARS CAN REMEMBER WHAT THEY SEE ON A VIDEO BUT THEIR ABILITY TO REMEMBER GETS BETTER WITH AN INCREASE IN THE TIMES THEY SEE THE SAME video. The media has an influence on the emotions of infants who are one year old and above. Television has limited benefits to children less than twenty four months. The cognitive development of children less than two years is below that of children aged above two years. The ability to follow sequences in a recorded program is low for children less than one year. Children who are less than eighteen months are also known to give less attention to recorded programs.

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There are some who usually have their television on throughout the day as a way of keeping themselves busy. There are those who use the television when they are doing their work while others concentrate on watching while they engage in nothing else.

WATCHING TELEVISION WITH ALL THE CONCENTRATION IS REFERRED TO AS FOREGROUND MEDIA WHILE LISTENING TO TELEVISION NOISE WHILE doing other things is called background. Even when a person is hearing the sounds coming from a television while they have given little interest to what is happening on television, they experience background noise. When a family is engaged on watching television which the parents understand but the children do not understand decreases interaction between children and their parents.

THE MAJORITY OF THE CHILDREN who are bone in families that use television heavily experience a problem of language development. Most of the times parents have no intention to have their children watching the shows although they never send them away. Children get discouraged when the program they are watching has mature and adults only content. They spend little time with their parents are engaged in other activities. Doing other things while there is some background media makes it difficult to concentrate and give their best to what they are doing and it interferes with their memory, cognitive ability and ability to