Chinese Immigration To Australia Case Study

Words: 881
Pages: 4

Lineages had a strong influence in the movement and activities of individuals, which were often controlled, disregarding individual comfort. Emigrant,s either from weak or strong lineages, were expected to make money abroad and to remit a portion back to the villages in China to promote the interest of their lineage. If they became wealthy, they might assist in the establishment of certain infrastructures such as schools. They often invested in commerce and industries, or purchasing of land that would contribute to increasing the power and influence of their lineage. Lineages often affected the method of migration by penetrating organisations that facilitated migration such as money lenders, commercial firms, agents, etc. Chinese labourers …show more content…
They allow Chinese citizens to make an informed decision to come to Australia for study and work. Economic differences are a major reason for Chinese immigration to Australia. Chinese immigrants are attracted by the opportunities that exist within the Australian job market, that allow them to improve their economic standard of living. These differences were emphasized prior to the introduction of the Chinese economic reform in 1978, with a great amount of difference. Even in 2004, these differences still existed to a high degree, with the GDP per capita of Australia being 29712 USD, with China at only 1127 USD. Chinese people have come to Australia predominantly want to improve their economic status and wealth. Australia’s main industries include minerals, food, financial services, investment, education, science and technology, which have arose as a result of the nations economic growth. This creates a massive demand for both skilled and unskilled workers, this is further encouraged by the government, which actively work to attract employees through actions such as the starting of new businesses. “The department of immigration has been able to develop a series of streams for migrants, based on reliable economic policies giving a good picture of demand” Australia also has close ties with economic giants in Asia and …show more content…
As a result, Chinese families are also attracted by Australia’s educational opportunities. Education in China is dominated by a very competitive atmosphere, and “good” universities have become increasingly hard to qualify for. Between 1995 and 2005, the number of international students increased 10x, and 40% of all Chinese immigrants in 2007 arrived in Australia for educational purposes. Parents in China believe Australia is beneficial for their children’s education because it provides a good quality education in English, which is becoming an international language. The political and economic changes in China have impacted the education systems and parents prefer to send their children to western countries to receive formal, western styled education. They believe that these schools “better equip their children to work in their later years”, offering qualifications or certificates that enable them to work in desired areas according to Chinese beliefs such as medicine, law and