Released on Christmas Day in 2007, Juno is a film that takes place in Minnesota over the course of a year, and tells the story of a quirky sixteen year old girl named Juno Macguff, played by Ellen Page, who becomes pregnant by her best friend, equally quirky and weird, track star Paulie Bleeker, who is played by Michael Cera (“Juno”). Although neither Bleeker nor Juno will outwardly admit it (until the end of the movie when they inevitably get together), they are in love with one another. Instead of getting an abortion, Juno opts for adoption. She finds the perfect couple, Mark and Vanessa Loring (played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner), to adopt her baby with the support of her friend, Leah, as well as her father and step-mother. Vanessa is a very sophisticated woman who desperately wants to have a baby, while her husband, Mark, is a laid back musician who just is not ready to grow up. The movie begins in autumn and demonstrates how much Juno’s life changes within a year (“Juno”). …show more content…
In addition to this award, Juno has won and been nominated for a variety of other awards, including three other Oscar nominations that same year for Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Achievement in Directing, as well as Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role by Ellen Page. The film was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and many others