Why do we choke under pressure? Whether it’s a test, interview, or a speech, sometimes we choke because of pressure. I’m going to be telling you what kinds of pressure we can have, why we choke under pressure, and how we can prevent from choking under pressure.
Pressures come from a variety of things. Usually they come from something we want. Money is a common source of pressure. Professional athletes compete for money and fame (and the love of the sport, but that isn’t something that brings pressure), which can bring pressure on whether you win or lose a big game. Another pressure comes from grades. Having a high score on your SAT can get you into a better college.
Why do we choke under pressure? We choke under pressure because we worry and have self-doubts. We worry if we will pass the test, win the games etc. We worry we will be embarrassed on stage. These doubts and worries make it hard for our brains to function properly. These problems use up part of the brain we would need to think. Thus, you perform worse on activities.
How can we prevent from choking under pressure? Writing down your worries before an important event prevents choking. Studies show that by writing down their worries on a piece of paper before a test, students performed fifteen percent better than those who didn’t have the opportunity to do so. Putting your feelings in words changes how the brain deals with stressful information. Another technique is practicing under mild pressure.