In her introduction she tells the readers that is very familiar with the book. Which convinces the reader that she is credible and worth listing. She first discuss what others think. She let the readers know that she have read all possible interpretation of the story, she has looked at every interpretation and came up with her own. Instead of criticising other’s interpretation she explains it to the readers and tells them what she believe is the right interpretation. This increases her credibility because the readers will know that she is a well informed writer. On the 15th paragraph she increases her credibility by letting readers know that her understanding of the story is supported by others too, “My assumption is supported by some readers who think that the theme of the story is unsuccessful affair” . I also think that the fact that she is a bilingual increases her credibility. If a person who can only speak chinese read her essay, he/she is more likely to support how Chongleul understand the story.
Chongleul also uses pathos in her essay. From the tone of the essay, we can tell that her audiences are chinese readers. She connects the reader to the story by relating Mrs. Marllad’s marriage to marriages in china. This helps the readers have a depth understanding of Mrs. Marllads situation. This is the only pathos I found from her