Christian Naturalism Research Paper

Words: 909
Pages: 4

I decided to compare and contrast my worldview, Christian Theism, with Naturalism. I want to start with stating and explaining the Naturalistic philosophy. Naturalism is a predominately a western perspective which emerged through the realism of the Enlightenment, and the evolutionary naturalism of the nineteenth century. A Naturalist is not just somebody who studies the common world, yet somebody who precludes the truth from securing anything past the characteristic world.
Naturalism as a metanarrative, God is basically non-existent, man is simply a collision of atoms to form matter that lives and will die not becoming anything meaningful. “Naturalism thus holds two basic beliefs first, that the scientific method is the only reliable path to knowledge, and, second, that matter is the fundamental
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They believe truth is found in science discoveries and advances in technology that will lengthen his or her lifespan. The scientific method is the only method for discovering truth. Scientific discovery and implementation can eliminate many human problems and in the end the process of evolution moves us ahead. As Ian Barbour says it, “If science is the only acceptable form of understanding, explanation in terms of astronomical origins, evolutionary history, biochemical mechanisms, and other scientific theories will exclude all other forms of explanation. I would reply that science relies on impersonal concepts and leaves out of its inquiry the most distinctive features of personal life” (Barbour 81). I believe that our genes strongly influence us as does our environment. But, with the soul, man can say no to these influences. We can act beyond instinct. Because we live in a world created and sustained by God, we are given the freedom to serve or reject