Christopher Mccandless Influence On Society

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Pages: 3

Christopher J McCandless was a college graduate that had decided to go on a wild adventure to Alaska and he also believed in not following of what society wants us to be like while he went on his wild adventure christopher mcCandless had made a lot of friends that will for ever remember him. He also defines transcendentalism because he tries to stand out and see society in a different way also thinks of how society should be like. In the article Death of an innocent he changed his name to Alex so his family could not easily find him. He wanted to stay on his journey as long as he can but also be able to enjoy nature in his adventure. While his family back at home was missing him and wanted him to come back home with them. His family wanted him to do things that he didn’t want to do.

Christopher Johnston McCandless was known as Alex in the Death of an Innocent and in the movie Into the wild. In the article and the movie it makes seem that Christopher McCandless had a point to prove to society and how nature evolves around us. Also how we can change in different ways to make changes for ourselves so that society or nature could be better for us. He also believes we were made to fail in society or change it to a success for us. He was showing us that there is more in life than just getting a job and working . He wanted to show us beautiful
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I also admire McCandless because he saw what nobody else saw about transcendentalism or society . He saw there was bigger purposes than just being a normal life people and there's times where you need to just explore your mind or train of thought. He was trying to point out different perspectives about nature and we need to see it in unique ways. Chris McCandless wanted to change life’s cycle.One thing McCandless did was proved that he was one of a kind and also was some sort of a outsider and being a