-forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating
-sore throat (chronic flu)
-tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpit
-muscle pain
-heart rate and blood pressure changes
-disturbed sleeping
-shortness of breath following any form of exercise
-sensitivity to temperature changes, light, touch and sound. Unluckily, there is no treatment for CFS or even a cure. Yet, there are many treatments options that are available for those that suffer from it.
The interviewee became ill in the late 1990’s. At first, it only felt like she had just gotten the flu, but as time went by, it never regressed. Before the CFS, she had a pretty typical life, she wanted to go to college and receive a degree in child play therapy; she tried to manage school twice since becoming ill and have had to drop out. She was young enough that a lot of her life was yet to unfold and reveal itself. She works as a receptionist at a clinic and volunteers for a company to do some projects. Still young today at the age of 36, and recently married with no children. Currently employed, she continues to work past the limitations by her conditions but it is not what she would have chosen to do. She is however completing her goal to write and publish a book about her illness by helping others that are also suffering from this condition. This interview occurred face-to-face while having coffee at a Starbucks using the writing method.
Overall, the interview was completed as expected, every question that was planned had been answered seemingly. The duration of the interview had taken almost an hour to do, however , there was expected to have less personal responses in some questions; in other words, the interviewee became very emotional. When I asked “ When did you first get sick? How did you come to your diagnosis?”; the interviewee responded with a long emotional story to answer the questions and also give a background to her life. She had explained that she had gotten sick in 1990s with the flu that never went away. After all the pain and tiredness that she went through, she kept looking for a proper diagnosis. Finally after 4 years she had self-diagnosed herself with CFS and went to find a specialist that would confirm her suspicions, which were true.
“Do you talk about your illness with your friends, your family, local support groups or online support groups? If so, which do you find the most helpful?” The interviewee explained that her friends are her backbone and that without them it would be very difficult to go through this illness alone. How she would cope with having CFS and have any tips for any other patients that are living through this condition and her response was that she tries to focus on life and not on her illness. She takes lots of steps throughout the day to pace herself and not rush through anything. Staying comfortable and warm are her priorities as she always tries to put herself first, not