Cintas: Business Analysis

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Pages: 4

Cintas is a company that specializes in work gear for employers and employees. This might sound like a very broad category to fit into but their motto is; ready for the workday in every way. According to their website, Cintas is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. From there they operate more than 400 facilities nationwide, including manufacturing plants and distribution centers, company wide they service 900,00 plus customers annually. They go on to explain that, “Cintas leads the industry in supplying corporate identity uniform programs, providing entrance and logo mats, restroom supplies, promotional products, first aid, safety, fire protection products and services, and industrial carpet and tile cleaning” (About us, n.d., para.2). As a …show more content…
We will look at the companies safety program as a whole as well their safety training programs, awards and accident prevention efforts. Safety is something that is engrained into the very DNA of this company; one of their specialties is even safety equipment. Cintas knows that as an organization who is viewed as a subject matter expert on such a topic, they should be able to show that they are capable of maintaining safety standards themselves. There are many different departments that have a role in making sure that the company is providing a safe workplace environment. Before we talk about individual departments lets talk about the organization as a whole and how they run their safety program. As explained on their website they understand a functional safety …show more content…
Not only do they have 25 locations that have earned the OSHA VPP Star recognition, but they have also had 20 other locations nation wide get recognized under other programs such as the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition program. One way they are doing this is through a unique program they use for accident prevention. The program is called the Near Miss program; it is an avenue where employees can report something that almost happened that could have been a safety issue. How it works is each location has a certain area set aside for the near miss forms and drop box, employees and anonymously fill out these forms and put them into the drop box. These forms explain, what happened, where it happened, what could have been the result, what could prevent it, where there any witnesses and when it happened. This information is collected by the HR department and input into their tracking system, if the issue is something that needs immediate attention they will address the issue, if not all of the near miss reports are covered monthly during their management meetings. By tracking this information they are able to identify trends or unsafe areas that might be specific to their facility and fix the issue before it is allowed to cause an accident. See attachment 1 below for example of near miss