They concluded this as a big problem for the failure. The plan to start and come with a single integrated system was decided. SVP of manufacturing Carl Redfield with an experience in PC manufacturing took the initiative and decided to investigate what manufacturing, order entry and financial group in the company wants to come with a single integrated replacement rather than going individually. Phased conversion was neglected. They planned to go in one shot. Emphasis was given to prioritize tasks accordingly. The need of strong team was highlighted. As it was not an IT project. It requires both IT and business people to work simultaneously on the project. The need of best people was very much needed and was properly addressed in the company’s plan. Strong need of partner was required. They wanted an integration partner to assist in selection and implementation of the solution with which the company should go with. Technical skills and business knowledge was meant to be the important pre-requisite. KPMG was selected as an Integration partner. KPMG responded to the opportunity and took it very seriously. KPMG Appointed Mark Lee who was director of IT Company in Texas and got experience in impregnating ERP systems. Working together with KPMG, a specialize team of 20 people were formed which were looking for the best software packages and also learning from each other experiences simultaneously. Big accounting firms were taken into picture to understand