City and Higgins Walden University Essay

Submitted By amythepooh
Words: 354
Pages: 2

A Good Place to Settle
Amy Higgins
Walden University
A Good Place to Settle
Have you ever wondered why cities develop and grow in certain areas? Did you know that the earliest known city was established only 10,000 years ago? (Kleniewski, 2006) The focus of this paper will be on the geographical significance of the early cities.
The first principle about why cities are established relates to economic and political factors of an area. These factors are accountable for the lifestyles of the individuals who live there as well as determining its layout. The second principle states that a city be visible within a system of cities. The third principle speaks about the cities purpose. Examples of such purpose include religion, production of goods, administration and defense.
Cities are essential to our overall survival. If it were not for the products produced, the services rendered we would not be able to survive on a daily basis(Schwab, 2005). Problems can arise when a city tries to advance with the changing times. One problem that could occur is that the area may develop unevenly. Sometimes this interest in rapid growth hurts the individuals living in that area. Peoples financial situations are all different and not every person can afford the same type of housing. Rapid growth may also affect the work situation of individuals.
Geography affects the type of business that develops in an area. Just as businesses are determined by the geography of an area so is the housing

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