This in itself is deceiving, because it seems wrong to threaten violence on the nation, however it is a concept our nation was built on. The idea of revolting out of an injustice committed by the government was the Framers’ way of making sure our government could not commit atrocities. In other words, this right of the citizens is what keeps our nation in perfect balance. In Jefferson’s theory of revolution, he states that threatening to revolt is more effective than actually revolting. In his article, Mirkin says that the threat of revolution is a “safe way to realize the goals of real revolution” (Mirkin, 63). Locke has a similar viewpoint in that he believes giving people the right to revolt will keep them from actually revolting. In other words, Locke and Jefferson understood our capacity to cooperate, and in turn believed it could be used constructively, without violence. Civil disobedience is done as a way to effectively get our voice heard – our way of practicing our right of speech as