Civilization In Octavia E. Butler's Parable Of The Sower

Words: 633
Pages: 3

In the novel “Parable of the Sower”, by Octavia E. Butler, it reveals that during some of the most troubling times in our lives such as the fall of a civilization is when we truly discover the truth about ourselves and the community that we’ve been living in. After resources have become scare and almost too expensive to afford, the lack of law and order, the issue of global warming, and the increasingly insane amount of drug usage, it leaves Lauren in a position to make the decision to as if her survival is sufficient. For Lauren, who no longer believes in God for his miracles, but for God as change, who will she run to in the times of her troubles?
In addition, during the fall of a civilization such as in the Parable of the Sower, it first